Avis Hatcher-Puzzo
2 min readMar 24, 2021


did you just hear yourself answer your own question, which was taken out of context?

This "article" has nothing to do with white people at all.

It’s about Will Smith, using the Hollywood elite white privilege system to sabotage a black woman's career because he's basically a d*ck, and he knew he had the power to persuade that white Hollywood system to get rid of and destroy her, instead of being a stand up guy, understanding her isolation and struggle to not conform to their vision of her as a person (not as an actress) and using his platform to support her.

And you're answer regarding the confederate flag? It’s completely different because yes, the confederate flag apparently means tradition to southern white folks, but come on is that the ONLY thing, the ONLY remnant of the "glorious south" that y'all have? AND knowing that flag is used by the KKK to terrify black people still TODAY, do y'all really want to make that argument that its just about "tradition"? Come on, now the point of "loving that flag" is about defiance because you're still mad about the War of Northern Aggression. If it was about tradition, there are hundreds of other symbols you could have....and you know this. See before, blacks just shouldered this kind of microaggression and sung some spirituals in the cotton field, so y'all felt safe in your bullsh*t, but these “new” Negros? Oh, no! They push back! Let me spell it out more clearly, see the defense of this flag is like the new wife wearing the skimpy bikini in front of the ex-wife and her children at the family reunion. I'm sure she has other clothes that she could wear but let's be real. That specific outfit makes a specific statement to a specific audience, to trigger a specific trauma that's deep and long lasting, on purpose. And all while playing innocent and pure but imbedding HER power deep in everyone's psyche. So, keep thinking black people are stupid and just "overreacting" while you stand there the wide-eyed and confused victim intentional about your underhanded message. See this is why Trump had to go...because WE DO SEE you.



Avis Hatcher-Puzzo

dance/theater professor @HBCU, born, raised in elitist Connecticut, married almost 2 decades, GenXer, but seriously someone has to stop these people