
I’m just finding this story but yeah…I’ve had a lot of my “woke” white friends tell me about….mostly white guys who were racist, which is totally odd to me. I grew up before the woke-ness and encounter A LOT of racists, but honestly most times, other white folks schooled them for being a bad person and they cut that behavior out. They didn’t just declare to me "that person is racist" and wait for me to thank them. It’s kind of irritating that they think you should or will believe them because they’re “woke” now. (Where ya been for eons?) I mean, if you’re all about stomping out racism, then start with one racist and then keep going, like tooth decay. Just fix it, and don’t come tell me how noble you are for “saving” me.



Avis Hatcher-Puzzo

dance/theater professor @HBCU, born, raised in elitist Connecticut, married almost 2 decades, GenXer, but seriously someone has to stop these people