Kevin Samuels was typical Trash TV of the 2020s

Avis Hatcher-Puzzo
5 min readMay 13, 2022

Okay, I’m going to go here and yup probably be “corrected” and attacked for it but I think this completely needs to be said.

I was a major Kevin Samuels fan for a few reasons, but mostly because he dared stand in a space that is so needed today and that is, a voice for average black men. Now, you can hear me out or get immediately triggered and highlight stuff and start vigorously typing back, that’s up to you but, I 80% of the time heard him defend the efforts of average black men to just be allowed to be average, without women deciding these men weren’t good enough for them. Now granted, Kevin was mean, dismissive, insulting, a b*tch, vicious and short sighted, very old school in his thinking about women and religion, would purposefully incite arguments, but…the man had an audience. Which is what I see as the problem. Anyone remember these people? Maury Povich, Morton Downey Jr., Geraldo Rivera, Jerry Springer….trash TV specialists.

Like these trash TV hosts, under the guises of “helping”, the host encourages people to reveal intimate details about themselves and then wham! insults or embarrasses them for “being stupid”. Also known as tabloid TV in the 1990s, I totally see this format adapted by Samuels for Youtube today. Samuels niche was talking about what “a high value man” would want in a woman, and why the women that called in, weren’t up to par. Basically he was a pimp as I see it. He would often say that these “high value” men the call in women were looking for were, 1. there were not a lot of…



Avis Hatcher-Puzzo

dance/theater professor @HBCU, born, raised in elitist Connecticut, married almost 2 decades, GenXer, but seriously someone has to stop these people